Denis Wick tenor trombone wooden straight mute

Denis Wick
£ £102.00
Ref: DW5552
11 in stock In Stock

Manufacturer’s description:

‘Wooden straight mutes offer a special warm tone color unmatched by other materials, especially in soft dynamics. The birch faced plywood sidewalls and marine ply bases are lined with a vulcanized fiber to provide superior durability and a warm, earthy sound.’

Replacement cork set: click here.

Straight mutes are by far the most widely used mutes for brass. They are cone-shaped with three narrow corks to hold them in the bell. Sound emerges from the gaps between the corks. Straight mutes generally reduce low frequencies and accentuate high, giving a more nasal, reedy sound. Wooden straight mutes have a softer sound than the brighter aluminium mutes.

Also available in the Denis Wick trombone mute range:

Mute Instrument
Tenor Bass Alto
Straight 5505 5509 5522
Practice 5527 5528 5535
Wooden 5552 5553 5556
Cup 5529 5533
ET/Harmon 5507 5508
Travel 5582 5583
Plunger 5511



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