[Ex-demo] Vincent Bach C180SL229W4 C trumpet

Vincent Bach
£RRP £4,299.00 £2,049.00
Ref: C180SL229W4-DEM
1 in stock In Stock

Products marked as 'ex-demo' are offered at a reduced price because they have been used for inspection, demonstration or marketing purposes by the manufacturer or seller. They are not factory-sealed, but are sold 'as new' and are subject to a full mechanical warranty. In some cases they may have a limited cosmetic warranty. Item-specific condition reports are always available.

The Vincent Bach C180 series trumpets have helped to define the brass sound of symphony orchestras around the world.

The C180SL229W4 carries a one-piece hand-hammered bell producing a rich sound with great projection, and the longer, more free-blowing #25R reversed leadpipe.

Combined with a .462 large bore, these features allow the player to produce a well-rounded sound suited to a vast range of orchestral literature.

  • Silver-plated finish
  • Standard weight yellow brass bell (model #229)
  • Model #25R reversed leadpipe
  • Bore size: large, 0.462 in. (11.74 mm)
  • Mobile 1st and 3rd valve slides
  • 1st valve slide thumb saddle
  • 3rd valve slide pin stop
  • Wood shell case

Also available:
C180SL229W35 #25A leadpipe
C180SL229PC #25CC leadpipe, standard bell (‘Philly’ model)

Manufacturer’s website: conn-selmer.eu

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